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Burlesque Dancing in Glasgow for your Hen Party in Glasgow

Best Burlesque Dancing in Glasgow

Hen Burlesque Dancing Activity in Glasgow for your Hen Party

This Burlesque in Glasgow is a fun, sexy and hilarious daytime adventure…
Based in the city centre this activity will teach you the art of peeling, posing and teasing. After the 2-hour activity you will come away with some new sexy burlesque techniques. This Burlesque in Glasgow is a fun, sexy and hilarious daytime adventure for your hen party in Glasgow. Overall great fun and adventurous and perfect for your hen weekend in Glasgow. So, make sure to include in your daytime activities.

Dress in theme for this event… it certainly makes the activity more fun…
Your hen weekend in Glasgow will indulge in the glamorous world of retro strip tease during this fun, sexy daytime activity. The dance tutor will guide you through the basics and will have you posing like a pin up and peeling layers like a professional. You may all dress in theme for this event if you wish. Think high heels, stockings, lace gloves and tassles too if you have them, it certainly makes the activity more fun.

Probably the best Burlesque lessons in Glasgow available, make sure you don’t miss out…
You will learn the art of tease, tassel twirling, and some bump and grind. The enthusiastic and energetic dance tutors create a fun, sexy and safe environment to learn. You will have an amazing time learning new techniques, being and feeling sexy and having a good laugh during this 2-hour adventure of an activity. Surely, a hen weekend in Glasgow certainly wouldn’t be as fun and sassy without this great daytime activity included in your weekend. Overall, probably the best Burlesque lessons in Glasgow available, make sure you don’t miss out.

Hen party burlesque dance class that will certainly spice up your weekend…
Burlesque lessons in Glasgow don’t get much better than this with expert tuition in a safe, fun, and learning environment. Hen party burlesque dance class that will certainly spice up your weekend agenda and give that little oomph to your hen weekend away. So, make sure to include it in your party weekend agenda.

Few Things to Notice :

Opening & Closing Time : 10am - 6pm
Estimated Duration : 1 1/2 hours
Minimum/Maximum Numbers : 6 - 20+
Recommended Clothing : Exercise wear / Dress to theme
Age Restrictions : 18+
Other Restrictions : Pregnant women should notify us beforehand
Health & Safety : On Site
Weight Restrictions : N/A
Estimated Minibus / Taxi Driving from centre : Less than 5 minutes
Time to arrive before activity start time : 15 minutes


Select Required Weekend
Number of nights

Total Activity Cost

Base Activity Price: £ 33
