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Best Strip Club in Glasgow for your Stag Weekend in Glasgow

Best Strip Club in Glasgow

Best Strip Club in Glasgow for your Stag Night in Glasgow – Option 1

Classy strip club with a great combination of glamour, beautiful girls…
Most stag groups will feel the stag weekend in Glasgow is not complete without at least a trip into a Glasgow strip club during the weekend. This city centre treat is a glamourous and classy strip club. What's more it has a great combination of glamour, beautiful girls and a safe and relaxing atmosphere. Surely, the perfect evening addition to your stag weekend in Glasgow. So, add this package to your weekend’s itinerary to make the most of this great evening addition. So, don't miss out and add into your party plans.

Some of the most beautiful girls to tease and entertain you…
Add one of the strip club packages to get your evening off to a great start and save money on the night too. This club boasts 2 bars, continuous stage shows and a multitude of dance booth for lap dances. What's more it's spread over 2 floors, with great VIP booths and of course some of the most beautiful girls to tease and entertain you. You’re in good hands in one of the UK's leading strip club brands and your stag night in Glasgow will be looked after and entertained. Overall, this is a brilliant activity to include in your party weekend package on a Friday or Saturday night. So, include this evening addition to your weekend.

A strip club in Glasgow not to be missed, sit back, and be entertained…
Packages include a bottle of spirit, a crate of beer and free entry, which will get your stag do in Glasgow off to a great and fun start. Open from 7pm – 3am Fridays and Saturdays. We would recommend starting the night here or getting in early to avoid being turned away at the door. Clearly, a great option to add into your sag weekend in Glasgow. Overall, a strip club in Glasgow not to be missed, sit back and be entertained. So, make sure you add this into your evening options as a second evening activity. So get booking!

Few Things to Notice :

Opening & Closing Time : 9pm - 3am
Estimated Duration : 2-3 hours
Minimum/Maximum Numbers : 6 - 20+
Recommended Clothing : Dress to Impress
Age Restrictions : 18+
Other Restrictions : No Sportswear, trainers, hat or hoodies. Entry at door discretion.
Health & Safety : On Site
Weight Restrictions : N/A
Estimated Minibus / Taxi Driving from centre : 5 minutes ( Transport one way only, no return )
Time to arrive before activity start time : 15 minutes


Select Required Weekend
Number of nights

Total Activity Cost

Base Activity Price: £ 60
